about me
A fiew words about me.
Beata Musiał-Tomaszewska a member of ZPAP Warsaw (http://www.zpap.org.pl/) and member of the board in Polish Watercolor Society.
I was born in Poland. I graduated from High School of Art in Wrocław.
I graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, faculty of painting . Just after the Academy I started to work as a 3D animator and a special effect designer. After fascination of digital graphics I returned to traditional techniques. However sometimes I miss "undo" option ;)
In painting I value expression and gesture, so I prefer to paint in the same breath.
My goal is to do art not just a plesant paintings, thats why I still explore. Aditionaly I often change the subject and technique, and take up new challenges in order to not get stuck in a rut.
Brush, pencil or computer is just a medium, with slightly different qualities, knowledge of which allows me to find the right forms of expression for my ideas.
I take part in competitions, exchibition and plan air camps. I also paint on order